A Revolution Hits Kuwait

I meant to post about Food Revolution almost two months ago, when I volunteered as a photographer at the group’s first event in Kuwait. Clearly, I didn’t get around to posting anything about the event! I volunteered at another workshop yesterday and this time I’m not putting off writing about it, mainly because I firmly believe in this group’s cause in wanting to encourage  healthy living.

Food Revolution Kuwait Budour

The Food Revolution is a global movement initiated by Jamie Oliver to change the way people eat. A mass social event took place in May and aimed to educate everybody about the harms of processed food, give people better alternatives and promote cultural change on a large-scale (targeting schools, corporations and even governments). Spearheading the Food Revolution in Kuwait is health coach Juna Al-Awadhi, nutritionist Dr. Nada Al-Ragum and organic food fanatic and entrepreneur Jumana Al-Awadhi of  www.welovekuwait.com.

Food Revolution Kuwait

 The workshop yesterday focused on a healthy Ramadan; allowing your body to detox, staying away from foods that slow down one’s metabolism and breaking bad habits to adopt healthier choices. The group is just starting out in Kuwait and I expect their workshops will improve as they learn more about their target audience. As fast food chains invade our country, it is vital to arm people with this sort of knowledge. Most people are aware that French fries and burgers aren’t the best diet, but rarely do parents take a strong stance against these foods and rarely can they explain the harms of such meals.One cannot hear this information too many times. We need constant reminders to help us stay focused on eating local, seasonal, fresh products and understanding labels on processed foods that we cannot avoid.

Here’s a photo gallery of pictures I took during the event. I apologize for the terrible quality, the lighting didn’t help and I wasn’t carrying a flash. Please do not use any of these images without permission – I didn’t watermark them because I haven’t had time, but do own all of the pictures in this post. If you send me an e-mail or leave me a message, I’d be happy to share the pictures with you.

Side note: Isn’t the little boy adorable? His name’s Anas and he’s my new best friend!


2 thoughts on “A Revolution Hits Kuwait

  1. Pingback: Eat moderately and read labels « F. scribbles

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